"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news"...Romans 10:15

Friday, December 7, 2012

[Video] Mayans, the End of the World...and "JESUS"?

Film teams share the good news with the Maya in their own heart language.
December 21, 2012, is fast approaching, the date when the Mayan calendar ends…some say the “End of the World.” Millions of Maya are uneasy, curious. They want to know what will happen.
“I tell them December 21, 2012, is not the end of time, but a moment of a new beginning, and most importantly, that they can know the God of new beginnings today. That’s when I introduce them to ‘The Story of Jesus for Children.’ This is the adaptation of the famous ‘JESUS’ film. It’s perfect in its simplicity to reach the Mayans. They become captivated…amazed…they don’t move. The people are crushed when He is crucified and rejoice when He gloriously returns from the dead, so happy.”
─ Pastor Gamaliel Gonzalez, Message for Mayans,* ministry partner
Film teams are working hard to show them this powerful adaptation of “JESUS.” You can partner with them and reach out in love to thousands of Maya (children and adults) by providing film teams with DVDs and portable showing equipment. As you feel led, help them see, understand and believe by sending an online gift of $50, $100, $250 or more. Thank you for giving them a new beginning, a new world…in Christ!

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