"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news"...Romans 10:15

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We're talking about numbers this month!

6,866,780 …it’s the number of lives in only 27 people groups in Latin America containing over 50,000 speakers. These people still don’t have the JESUS film in their heart language. This is just a portion!...there are more people groups to reach.

When we see these numbers, we see people! Our hearts break knowing there are still so many people that have not heard the story of Christ. How are they going to know? How are they going to change? We need to produce visual stories in their own language.

God’s word is for everyone, every culture, tribe and tongue. (Revelation 7:9)

It’s been 2012 years since Jesus told us to take the Good News everywhere and to every person. How long will we wait?......... The time to act is now! We need to show every person that Christ values them as they see Him and hear Him speaking to them in their language.

The JESUS film project is committed to helping give Jesus to everyone, everywhere and to change lives for eternity; and we have made a commitment to GO!

Thank you for your support and encouragement as we work as a team to reach the the lost! Watch this video of how the ministry continues to change lives through MEDIA: ….JFM Video.

365 days, that’s right it’s been 1 year this month since we stepped out in faith and started this adventure, took our training and were accepted onto staff with JESUS film. Time has flown by, but as they say, that’s what happens when you are doing something that you love!

Morgan & Blake are almost finish with the school year. They are anticipating a 2 week road trip with their grandmother that will take them across 4 states. Micaela is growing fast and patiently sits at the ball field 4 times a week as Morgan plays softball and Blake baseball for the first time.

We look forward to both the challenges and the rewards to come as we continue to raise our full support and report to our assignment in Central America. Thanks for coming alongside us in this journey, your prayers and support sustain us.

Blessings,…. Edgar, Melanie, Morgan, Blake & Micaela

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